Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Benefits of ECDIS for Marine Corps

Travelling through the oceans without knowing where you’re headed, what situations await you can be dangerous. Having a guide to let you know where you’re going, what weather conditions you’re going to have to deal with on the oceans that too in advance is a huge plus for nautical navigation.

Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a system that helps in charting and planning routes that helps Marine Corps to precisely plan their journeys out on the sea. ECDIS offer many benefits to Marine operations. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

  • Updated Information
ECDIS is hugely helpful in avoiding safety risks by providing alternative routes that are secured. It provides real time current trajectory to the navigators, enabling them to avoid any potential threat along the way.

  • Simple Interface
Even though Marine Corps personnel are sufficiently trained to handle any sort of complex system, it is still required that the interface of a system is easy to understand and operate. This is hugely required in emergency situations where ease of operation will greatly help the personnel avoid dangers.

  • Signals
Whenever the personnel are headed in an unsafe direction, ECDIS lets the crew members know of this through warning signals and loud alarms along with visual indications. This enables the navigator to focus on the new route and not spend critical time notifying crew members about the potential threat. The crew begins to do their duties while the navigator does his as soon as the alarm goes off.

Environmental Impact of Industrialization With Some Effective Solutions

We all are responsible for the current state of our beloved planet. Right from our eating habits, the electricity that we use, to the way we encourage plastic items for use. All of these wouldn’t be possible had there been no such thing such as ‘Industrial Revolution’, it changed the way we live and how we perceive our planet. Industries impact the environment severely and so for the well-being of the planet and its citizens, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and CFR 40 (Code of Federal Regulations) have been implemented.

The major issue that industries cause is air pollution, caused by the smoke (and emissions) generated by burning fossil fuels. The country’s EPA keeps a check on more than 80 distinctive toxins that can be found as a result of industrial pollution, some the major contributors are asbestos, lead and chromium. Even after several strict polices like implementing CFR 40, industries are not showing any signs of slowing down to generate air pollution all across the world. Water pollution is also caused by various industries.

First, industries must reduce the dependence on a product that is causing pollution. The best example that we can remember here is the decision to remove lead from gasoline in the 1970s. It significantly reduced the spread of this harmful metal into the surrounding environment. The other effective solution is to treat wastes from industries to remove toxic components. This is to make sure that the other waste material can be disposed off safely.

Overview of Raster Charts Used By Sailors and Boaters

When there is an electronic image of the familiar paper chart, obtained by the help of a highly accurate and detailed scanning process,...