Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A Comprehensive Understanding of ECDIS

The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is an advancement in the navigational chart system utilized in naval vessels and ships. With the usage of the electronic chart system, it has become easier for a ship’s navigating crew to get exact locations and attain accurate directions.

ECDIS complies with IMO Regulation V/19 & V/27 of SOLAS convention as revised, by showing designated information from a System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC). ECDIS equipment complying with SOLAS requirements can be efficiently utilized as a substitute for paper charts. In addition to improving navigational security, it significantly lessens the navigator’s workload with its automatic capabilities such as route planning, route monitoring, automatic ETA computation, and ENC updating. Besides, ECDIS renders many other sophisticated navigation and safety features, including persistent data recording for later investigation.

The ECDIS uses the feature of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to accurately pinpoint the navigational points. Some of the benefits of ECDIS over paper charts are - 

1. All information is prepared and shown in real-time
2. It expedites the whole process of passage planning
3. One can get all requisite navigational information at a glimpse
4. Alarms and indications are in place to show and highlight risks
5. In comparison to paper charts, ECDIS has made chart correction more relaxed
6. Charts can be customized as per the demand of the crusade
7. Other navigational equipment such as the AIS, ARPA, etc can be suffused and combined
8. Charts can be aligned as per necessity.
9. With the convenience to zoom in and out, peculiarities can be examined as per demand
10. One can attain a more precise ETA
11. Charts can be examined for comprehensive information

Now, it’s apparent that when it comes to a comparison between paper charts and ECDIS, then ECDIS definitely makes an ideal choice.

A Nautical Chart And Its Uses In Navigation

Among other several charts in navigation, a nautical chart is the most essential tool used by mariners. Everybody knows what a map is, and a nautical chart is also a type of map. An ordinary may show roads, buildings, trees, river, and other landmark structures in a region. Unlike an ordinary map, NOAA nautical charts may contain information such as hydrographic data, sea area, shoreline, seafloor, nearby coastal regions, water depths, heights of land, and water currents. If you are looking for a specific landmark in an ocean, buy accurate NOAA charts online.
  • Making of nautical charts
Many professionals, including engineers, geologists, biologists, military, and experts from research departments of various sectors contribute their parts when making a nautical chart. They use advanced technologies to study the vast areas of a water body. It takes time and efforts to not down important notes after thoroughly evaluated the chain of historical events and the concurrent scenario. This means NOAA nautical charts contain all the important facts and data required in sea navigation.

Since its establishment in 1970, NOAA agency of the US Department of Commerce monitors the operation of marine activities regarding the conditions of the oceans and the atmosphere. The agency issues warnings or alert system at the time of danger and unfavorable weather conditions. It holds responsible for providing guidelines and rules for the use and the protection of coastal and ocean resources.

Overview of Raster Charts Used By Sailors and Boaters

When there is an electronic image of the familiar paper chart, obtained by the help of a highly accurate and detailed scanning process,...